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Pivoine Milano Sterling Silver and Crystal Bridal Earclips 176


Regular price HK$888.00
Tax included.
Chatnoiremeow 香港銅鑼灣門市 | 新娘耳環|Bridal Earrings|Wedding Earrings | 結婚耳環| 婚嫁首飾| 新娘首飾| 裙褂耳環|婚紗耳環|Wedding Earrings |
Chatnoiremeow 香港銅鑼灣門市 | 新娘耳環|Bridal Earrings|Wedding Earrings | 結婚耳環| 婚嫁首飾| 新娘首飾| 裙褂耳環|婚紗耳環|Wedding Earrings |
Pivoine Milano Sterling Silver and Crystal Bridal Earclips 176
Pivoine Milano Sterling Silver and Crystal Bridal Earclips 176
Pivoine Milano Sterling Silver and Crystal Bridal Earclips 176
Pivoine Milano Sterling Silver and Crystal Bridal Earclips 176
Pivoine 意大利水晶 Bridal accessories 系列和 handmade hairpiece 華麗歐洲風格設計


SIZE: 0.5 x 4.5 CM


門市自取/郵寄送貨:香港,澳門,新加坡和馬來西亞地區一律使用順豐快遞,海外用EMS 國際快遞

Capture a timeless bridal look with these sterling silver and crystal earrings, perfect for a wedding day or pre-wedding photoshoot. Their sophisticated design makes them a fashionable choice for any bride-to-be, adding an elegant and graceful touch to any bridal ensemble.

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